It's Christmas Time In Essex :) Yaaaaay!
Christmas has come early….. well in my house-hold it has every November 24th the christmas tree comes down from the loft along with many other festive decorations to be put up for another year, The most wonderful time of the year. It is tradition in our house to put them up the day before my dad and brother’s birthday and I don’t think my mum will give that up any time soon even when we have all moved out haha and TBH I think I won’t be far off when I am all moved out as I LOVE Christmas I mean I have been on countdown since October but secertly (not so much to friends and work ) since my Iphone countdown went down to 99 days *no more triple numbers*
Also everyone in the town where I work everywhere has dec’s up or blasting the music out. In which I nearly screamed when the music started playing the centre *It really means its nearly christmas when that happens*
Christmas is fun the music, the films, seeing family, going out with friends, eating LOADS and just being happy. I have had a crappy year to say the least so when it comes to Christmas I am 10 times happier and I dont even mind being alone * Don’t panic I am not going to start singing…. “All By Myself”* . I have so many plans that I want to do this year main one going WINTER WONDERLAND in my eyes the most magical and wonderful place for Christmas. I have TWO christmas parties to go to which one of them I am nervous to go to as one of my work places has a lot of employee’s and I am not great with too many people.
Its nice that the rest of the town/country is finally caught up with me on the countdown to Christmas and its not just me counting its everyone and the fact it is just a mere 31 days away I mean that is going to FLY BYYYYYY!!
Well I am off to put on my Christmas hat, whack on the Christmas songs and decorate the Tree EEEEEEKS :)
Byeeeeeee :)