Thursday, 21 August 2014

My First Festival and How To Survive

So as you may know if you follow me on twitter I went to my first Festival this previous weekend. I have wanted to try the whole festival scene FOREVER but never got the opportunity really to go. More importantly I have wanted to go to V Festival for about 5 years now and I can now finally say I HAVE BEEN and it was truly the BEST day ever. I never went for the weekend as me and camping in a field with thousands of smelly and drunk people does not appeal to me at all plus the people I really wanted to see were on the Saturday so that is when we went.

Who I saw:
* Fuse ODG
*All Saints
*Pixie Lott
*Kaiser Chiefs 
*Ed Sheeran
*Justin Timberlake 

The weather was not bad at all no rain but bloodly col in the evening! 
I can't explain how different a festival is to a normal concert but the atmosphere is just amazing so so so many people, Like I never knew that many people went these shows. It's just unreal. But AMAZING.

Kelli, Max, Me and Abbie *We have arrived* 
Ed Sheeran and Kasier Chiefs 

Me and the Abster 

V Festival Selfie, It was a must lets be honest :)

My advice:
**Unless it is garanted to be boiling where warmish clothes I wore a playsuit and was FREEEEEEZING my little butt off come the evening as the temperture dropped *stupid British weather*.

**Drink plenty of water as much as you can as all that singing and dancing can really drain you.
I didn't hardly drink as I didn't like the loo's and the next day I felt ill and a massive headache where I was so de-hydrated :( Not a good idea my friends.

**Don't be scare of the nasty porter loo's * V's were actually pretty good* 

** Live for the moment... How many of you rather take pictures and videos more than watching, listening, dancing and singing along in the present. Don't do it just enjoy the day and the friends you are with days like that don't happen often enough.

** Take snacks with you, food prices are ridiculous so try and stick to one meal that is expensive and pack some snacks that you can eat though the day. 


I would not have had an AMAZING day if it wasn't for the lovely people I went with. So I thank them as it was bloodly awesome and I wouldn't want to share this experience with any one else..... Also I maaaaay have borrowed some of Kelli's pictures are they are much better quality SORRY Kel haha 

Love To All

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Happy Thinking, Happy Living

Good Morning/Good Evening 

Lately I have been thinking of advice and trying my best to help people see the world in a better way sharing my personal experiences and the what I have learnt in my 24 years of living and I thought I would start by writing this... Things that make me happy and a little advice on what I have used to make me a happier and positive person that I am today.

In order to make my self happy in the morning I put on the radio *Capital Fm* click on google and find some nice positive quotes of the day pictures :) Here's mine for today on this sunny Saturday morning. Its simple and to the point as well its true.

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I know first hand how hard it is to not think positive and to have bad days but I got over them and now I am going to try an help you out there. If I help one person then this post was done for a good reason :) 

Okay so I have found when you are talking to someone friends or family try and talk about happy and positive stuff example Love, Strength, Happiness, Health and Forgiveness. If you talk like you mean it as well it will give your brain like happy adrenaline and you start thinking more and more this way.

Talking to friends. I am a big believer in a problem shared is a problem halved. I don't mean tell people everything and anything but your closest and bestest friends are there for you just like you are there for them. If they are a friend they will help you out with what you need or just offer some advice that you long to here.

Laugh LOADS. It is a natural way of loosen tension and can make some one else happier and brighter just by seeing you life or even if you are laughing at yourself * in a good way*  I love this one and personally if I am not surrounded by my friends or loved ones and on my own I click on YouTube, there is some pretty funny videos on there.

Everything in your mind that is negaitive and happened in the past LEAVE THEM THERE they are in the past for a reason and that is where they should stay. Your missing out on the now if you are thinking about the way back then.

Try doing things that scare you. You may having meaning to join that dance class or talk to that guy just go and do it. It will give you such a rush and yeah you may be nervous but nerves are what make us who we are. But doing it you may change you mind and think that little more positive as you have achieved something you thought you could only dream.

Make a little list of all the things that make you happy then when you are feeling sad look at the list and then you may remember something you have forgetten and may even lift your mood.

Things that make me HAPPY...

*Disney Films/Songs

*My friends (The greatest people in my life) 
* Being my the seaside
* Compliments that you never expect ( That't not me being big headed) 
* Taking Photographs 
*Long cuddles 
*Pinballs (Moaom sweets) #addicted 
*Running or being on my bike taking in some really pretty views 

Monday, 11 August 2014

A few of my favourite things..... July/August

Hey Hey Hey...

So my favourites from the last couple of weeks. Mainly all beauty but I have thrown a few others in there. Now normally these kind of post are on YouTube but I thought whilst I am not on there (yet) I thought I would do a little favourites post on here :D :D Hope you like!

1. Okay so my first thing well actually is two things its my new make up bag for on the go and my IPhone case. Now two different things together I hear you say... Yes because they MATCH its super amazing and I literally got SO SO SO excited and not only do they match, they are both Minnie Mouse *Favourite Disney Character*.

Believe it or not they were both from Primark and bother were £2.50 * excited dance* 

2. I am a newbie to make up brushes well the Real Techniques brushes I have used many of brushes before but it was only in the past couple of weeks I have picked up these brushes. I picked up the powder brush and the expert face brush. I LOVE them they are a cute little design and are possibly the softest brushes that I have ever used... oooo pretty brushes :) :)  I would highly recommend them to any one, so much I think I may have to go out and buy the rest of them. 

3.  Eyelashes. Now I used to be OBSESSED with wearing them like every day that is not the case these days. I only where them when I am going out or date nights * look at me making out I date* #awkwarddater any whom..... I just LOVE LOVE LOVE eyelure 101. They are prefect and natural looking and make you look like you have hardly made an effort even though you bloodly well have :) For a little more glamorous look I try the 107 which again are amazing but 101 is definate one for me.

Theses are from Boots at £4.75 each 

4. Its a TV show and yes it's THE VAMPIRE DAIRIES. I am OBSESSED with the show and have been since around May time. How I never watched it for the past 6 years that it has been on is beyond me. I watched season 1-4 in 2 months and missed season 5 when it was on TV and have moping around for the last month and a bit because I have missed it BUT I have found season 5 online 3 days ago and already on episode 10. OH MY GOSH its just the best thing ever. This season I have changed from #TeamStefan to #TeamDamon and NOW I am a little confused as I think I am #TeamStefan again oh but Klaus and Enzo damn it stop it TVD  stop making me change my mind. I am fickle I know I am but oh well..... GO WATCH IT IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY!!! Its a must see TV show.

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Saturday, 9 August 2014

Body Issues and Confidence

Such a weird and for me such a personal post to write but I want to write it, put it out there.

I am quite a happy and bubbly person.. I make a fool of myself and say silly stuff as its me that is my personality and now I feel like I can be this person and not be so shy and hide away but its not the way I have also been.
School and College I was quite shy and kept myself to myself I had my friends may I add they are still my friends today (Chrissy, Chloe and Kita) the only people that know me like the back of their hands. I had and until quite recently had a BIG issue with my body confidence. I know it effects quite A LOT of young girls and more and more every day these days but I was one of them. 

I don't 100% know what triggered it off as I remember being in primary school and early years of secondary school and not really worrying so much but once I hit 14/15 things changed I was reading them stupid magazines that always had 'PERFECT BODY'  on the front and comparing myself to them and thinking I was fat... Short and Fat two things that no teenager wants to think of herself. I also started looking at my friends and thinking why am I the chunky one? why am I the shy one? What didn't help was the comments I had when I was in my form calling me FAT or THUNDER THIGHS it was horrible and I always said I was never bullied I wasn't as such but I was mentally bullied and it was myself and others around me. Which is quite possibly the worse thing in the world.

I used to cry ALL THE TIME about this which looking at it now I can cry about it all :( Teenage years are so so cruel!! Words people say are so cruel and can really effect people even when you don't know what's happening behide close doors. I can not image what it is like being in school now with all the social media and the amount to programmes on the television that make girls think they need to get that perfect body. Some one really needs to make a stand against all this....... Anyway getting off track.... For me College was just as bad Hairdressing was a nightmare, it was like you had to look a certain way and be a certain way to fit it WHICH I NEVER WAS I was my own person and I did stand my ground on more than one occasion here but I ended up quitting Hairdressing as I was crying and upset and hated the pressure on what i should be and was even from the teachers who where just as bad and stuck up. I'm not that person I have a brain... looks will only ever get you so far :D 
I was still in a bad place nothing changed and I ended up eating my feelings * SO CRINGE THINKING ABOUT THIS NOW*  but school and college was cruel to me.
I NEVER liked what I saw in the mirror, I was the girl that would get changed or dressed in private never in front of people or with the light off, Never got in a bikini ( until recently) and is probably another reason why I never learnt to swim and I wore clothes bigger than me so no one would say anything negative about me.
I tried every single diet and I mean everything and I even tried cutting food out completly but it didn't work because I LOVE FOOD TO MUCH!!!!

Okay so for the me know... I am completely different and I am the happiest I have been in my life. I have accepted the way I am I am NEVER going to be skinny and TBH I don't think I want to be skinny as its more fun having a bit of meat on you HAHA;)  I am short accepted that... Good things come in small packages*  also I am bloodly lucky I have boobs that people would die for including one of my best friends * which is rather funny as I used to wish I was as skinny as her* Plus people PAY to get the size I have HELLO POSITIVE PART OF MY BODY!!!! 

I wish I could go back and tell my younger self what I know now save myself so much time and effort crying. Tell myself that the weight that you are then is NOT FAT but tell myself that I loose that stone you dreamt of loosing just to make sure the future is stress free for little me.
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So anyone that is reading this now.. Ill say it again... LIFE IS FAR TO SHORT to worry what you weigh and why you don't look like your friends or the girls in the magazines. You are ONE OF A KIND there is no one in the world like you *unless your a twin* and some one there will LOVE you every single part/inch of you which is what every girl wants.

Key things that I have learnt along my way...
Number One: Surround yourself with good friends they are the key to your happiness. They do not care what you look like and no matter what will be by your side through thick and thin and help in any way possible.
Number 2: I know it is hard but try and keep positive thoughts. Scrap away all the negative. I try a read a quote every morning just when I wake up and really makes me think and sets me up for the day.
Number 3: DO NOT own a pair of scales. The worse thing I had when I was younger as I used to be on them every single day. Take them away and then you don't have a reason to be sad.
Number 4: Do things that you love and do not do them because you are worried what people may think around you. Its your life, your experience and your happiness and happiness is the key.