Hey everyone hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend I am currently writing this in bed catching up on last nights X factor with a little bit of a sore head so I am sorry if I ramble, which I seem to do a lot lately *thanks blogging world*
I have had a good week if I must say so I worked a lot this week 6 days straight in fact and in retail well that does completley drain you. But its been a fun old week.
I never worked out once this week which I am shocked at myself :0 been super lazy!
Anyway.... My friend Ashley recently passed his driving test and he has FINALLY got a car woop woop so on Wednesday night he took me on a little drive around Harlow and then Tescos for food *as we like to do* now I must admit I wasn't even nervous to get in the car as I know he is a sensible person so I knew he would be a sensible driver and its super cute as well you can tell he is a new driver as he does everything by the book * that will change soon I am sure* so nope the car ride was fine and I am super proud :) it was the friggin HUGEEEEEE spider that went for my face whilst in the car that scared me to death which I screamed and panicked poor little Ash *bad move Chels* but its was all fine haha :) I survived to tell the tale.
Few snaps from you little scary car journey *well done again Ash*
Friday night I went out for a yummy meal with some girl's from job number 2 at Frankie and Bennies.. I love the food there espically the Pizza which of course I had *yum yum* and a nice yummy Banoffie Brownie. We had a good old catch up on everything at work that I may of missed * I do miss that place* and well the books we have read... when I say we these two are MASSIVE book worms and read everything in sight I am sure and they have been lending me books to read so this was a big old topic for us all as I have finished Beautiful Disater and Thoughtless two awesome books that I have loved and well pretty much fallen in love with the guys in them *heartmelts* so yep it was a big old catch up :) also have a new book to read which is the second one to 'Thoughtless' T'was a good night.... :)
Abbie, Kelli and Myself :)
Oh and to the person that told me that Peta died in Hunger Games book three I am after you!!!! * in a non volient way* hahaha
and then lastly I had a work do for my managers birthday.Last night which is the first time all 6 of us have been out together *Miracle* and well gambling and drinking and 6 LOUD girls..... which if you ask me was a laugh I never have laughed so much it was a lovely night out in which I drunk more than I have in like a year *getting old* betted and actually won some money back and came home with the same amount as when I left not to bad I say :)
I did stupidly forget my money *blonde* but luckily sister was around to drop it off and now I am a little ergh but you know what I am glad I went :)

I am the pro at taking selfies *really not bothered* and was trying to teach the work girls how to do them *handsovereyes*
Really impressed with my make up... with the help of Tanya Burr's youtube channel :)
Emma's Cake... She is not 43 I thought I would wind her up and switch them around :P
Roll on next week I say fun times ahead in Chelsea's world
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