Monday, 16 December 2013

The Big Reunion and Smelling Towie *Strange*

The_Big_Reunion_arena_tour_promo.jpg (448×300)
So Saturday 14th December me and my friend Natalie went to London to see The Big Reunion tour eeeeeks and OMG it was so amazing literally one of the best nights ever. Purely as all the bands that played and all the songs they sung just reminded me of when I was a kid and dancing around my room, singing in my hairbrush. They also done the 2nd half of the show with Christmas songs which as we all know I LOVE CHRISTMAS I was the happiest singing and dancing and snapping away capturing the moments as it more than likely wont happen again. Now I say B*witched were my favourite as well I remember learning all the words for a school show and trying to do the Irish dancing *which I am STILL terrible at* just brings a smile to my face all the memories of yester-years lol.
But they were each as amazing and exactly how I remembered when I was 10/11.
So heres some pics loooooads more on my facebook account so feel free to check them out.

9 Days Till Christmas :D

*Everybody get up* It's 5ive 
Favourite group of the 90's It's B*witched 
Its the Honeyz..... Finally Found was a favourite of mine to the point my cassette broke :(
 You got my bodyshakin.... It's 911 the fact they are nearly 40 and still move like that AMAZED!
Just a lil.... Its Liberty X *such a good song still*
Atomic Kitten.. The tide is high but I'm holding on, I'm gunna be you're number one.....

Before I went to the concert I had to work but whilst at work Dan and Tom Pearce did a calendar signing in my little home town yes its Essex but people off the tele don't normally come here I didn't get any pic's as I was not cool I proper fan-girled and when I went over to where they did the signing after work all I did was smell them *WHY DID I DO THAT* not cool Chelsea not coooooool.
*FYI*I clearly have a thing for guys that smell lovely I hate bad smells and its more attractive when you smell lush... This is my only explaination for this embrasing moment of mine!!!

So there's another life update I will do some beauty reviews and what I have brought etc as soon as I can 

Love To All xxxxxxxxxxx

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