Saturday 27 December 2014

Reading Challenge for 2015

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***2014 I really got into books. I mean I used to read a lot when I was younger and then I did read less and less * I blame the internet* but in the last year being around so many readers made me want to turn the TV off, shut down the computer and pick up books and read. I mean really read for hours on end. The other day I read a whole book ( short book) in a day that hasn't happened in years. I generally LOVE reading and I am so impressed with myself for reading as much as I have this year.
So I attempted to read a book a month this year and I did pretty darn well until certain events happened and never had much concentration so I am going to attempt it again in 2015 but every other month try reading TWO books in one month. I have invested in a Kindle so there is no excuse when I am on the move.

Okay. So...When it is the month which is to read 2 books one of the books will be an old classic that people will be shocked that I will enjoy but I do. So these may be Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Jane Eyre, Of Mice and Men, Great Gatsby etc etc.

January- One 
February- Two 
March- One  
April- Two  
May- One 
June- Two
December- Two

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It is rather exciting making plans and list for next year already... Let the fun begin :) 

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