Saturday, 28 September 2013
Sad Time For Chelsea-Lou
So I haven't had the best time for a while but I never thought I would be hurt so much by a former best friend... actually what was I thinking all my EX best friends have either hurt me or betrayed me in some way! Why do I trust people and why do I let people in my life is the question. But that is me I am a happy person that I do let people into my life and then let them walk over me because I am TOO nice. Probably why this has happened again to poor little me.... but with everything else going on in my life I cant just stick on some eyelashes put on the lipgloss and keep on smiling because it makes me sad and I hate feeling sad and lately I have been over thinking everything and anything in my mind.
But, I need to stop right now! As of today I am NOT letting people get to me any more, I aint no push over. I have actually cleared everyone's number out from my mobile well the ones that have no relevant in my life anymore, cleared out everyone from my Facebook and then deactived again just for a little while and closed my Instagram for a little while. Dont panic guys I am still on twitter @LilMissChelsiii :)
Few things I am going to be doing over the next couple of weeks:
1. Get my self a new look... Change my hair a bit maybe get some chopped off oh the choices.
2. Watch less television... I should not be watching half as much as I do and I havent watched this much in well months (since I was ill)
3. Say 'Yes' more often.. Stop making excuses Chelsea Louise Doe!!!!
4. Be more active... Gym at least 2 a week and a class or two. Maybe find that dance class!
5. Change the friends... I have had enough with all the fakeness in my life and I do not deserve it I need positive and supportive people around me not ones that as soon as my back is turnt it is well and truely stabbed!
So yeah these are my thoughts of the week so far and the tips I am liertally going to be living by from now on
Happy Happy Chelsea :)
So apart from all the upsetting and crying a little this week I have had a pretty boring a dull week I have worked :) and went to 4 yes 4 fitness classes by Thursday evening I was well and truely happy to pass out. I did body attack twice and LBT twice. Other than that I have finally finished the book the girls at work gave me to read and my gosh I loved it why can't guys be like the guys in these books these days everyone would be happy and loving all the time aye. I am definatley into my reading atm :)
Hopefully have a more exciting week for you this time next week but for now chow for now :)
Oooo I forgot to mention the AMAZZZZZZING lipstick I got this week and the funky eyeshadows I have bought but I will post and picture etc all in the week I am sure I mean it is Pay weekend after all uh-oh
Monday, 23 September 2013
Happy Birthday and Congratulations Shout Outs 23.9.13
I would just like to post a quick little congratulations to a few people :)
Pheobe and Adam congrats on getting hitched finally after all this time :) Beautiful couple and the pictures are also beautiful xoxo
Claire and Sraku who after many years together and 2 kiddies later finally got married today. Gutted I missed the reception but I wish you both all the happiness in the world. xoxo
Then its a MASSIVE Happy 21st birthday to not only my neighbour but a very good friend of mine even when he makes fun of me the little rascall!!
Pheobe and Adam congrats on getting hitched finally after all this time :) Beautiful couple and the pictures are also beautiful xoxo
Claire and Sraku who after many years together and 2 kiddies later finally got married today. Gutted I missed the reception but I wish you both all the happiness in the world. xoxo
Then its a MASSIVE Happy 21st birthday to not only my neighbour but a very good friend of mine even when he makes fun of me the little rascall!!
Lack Of Sleep and New Passions
Heey all you beautiful people that take the time to read my little old blog :)
I have had 3 days off work which like I have said before NEVER happens the joys of retail :) so I thought it was time to get my butt into gear and back into that gym and that is what I have been doing working out hard so I'm sweaty *I know too much information* and ache so much in the morning espically after the classes MAN them classes can be intense but I always come out smiling as I know I have done good *happy dance* I am day 3 today and tomorrow I am going back to work and going to a class straight afterwards Uh-Oh haha. My aim is to look the best i can poss be at Christmas with all the Christmas parties and new year eve *Which I have NEVER been out on NYE*
So yeah I will keep you all updated on that if I survive it all Wednesday is my only day off this week in the classes!!
Also last night I was tossing and turning all night as my mind went into over drive in thinking about everything possible *including how hunger my stomach was* in the day time I occupy my mind but as soon as I try and sleep its like the on switch is turnt on and everything just appears so bloodily annoying. So mainly on my mind is what I want to do with my life I mean I never really try and think of the future as you should live for the now but I don't know what has changed my mind but its all I have been thinking about at the moment. Like I look at all my friends happy and settling down an yes I do want that to happen for me but I do want to do things with my little old life first starting with a career. I may have mentioned that i studied Media for 3 years and I LOVE it and it will always be something I want to do but I do need something for now and something I have a real passion for and then when I was talking to my mumzie earlier today it hit me that I LOVE make up why don't I find a course, train up and be freelance make up artist. PERFECT RIGHT!!! Its a brilliant idea and I literally have spent the WHOLE day researching into courses, what kind of freelance artist I want to be, where the best places to train and even have spoken to someone the big wide web about how they started etc. It's been amazing.
My next thought was what kind of make up and I have decided that as MANY of my friends are getting married as they have just got engaged I could train to do both Bridal and fashion/media make up I am soooooo excited.
I have found a course in london for a week * Emma if you are reading this I will be doing it on a weeks holiday dont panic hehe* it is proper intense and loooong days but once I finished and completed it will be qualified just like that just need to get some clients and experience then I can be *Sings at the top of my voice ON MY WAY*
So yeah that is a weight off my mind and maybe just maybe I can sleep tonight... I mean I have nearly gone 48 hours with what 2 hours sleep and I am still buzzzzzing and hyper, I really do need to clam down and maybe stop rambling on here ooopsy haha :P no I am not haha.
I also quit my English class tonight as it as boooooooring. Anyone that knows me knows I cant sit still, cant stop talking and I am creative and practical not sit in slience and write billions and billions of words on a paper * okay maybe billions was a bit OTT just thousands* and yes I know I want to be in media but I want to be a TV presenter or Radio Presenter ;) and before anyone says it I do have a face for radio *Jokes so old now guys*
Oh gosh I really have rambled tonight SORRY!!
Night everyone
I have had 3 days off work which like I have said before NEVER happens the joys of retail :) so I thought it was time to get my butt into gear and back into that gym and that is what I have been doing working out hard so I'm sweaty *I know too much information* and ache so much in the morning espically after the classes MAN them classes can be intense but I always come out smiling as I know I have done good *happy dance* I am day 3 today and tomorrow I am going back to work and going to a class straight afterwards Uh-Oh haha. My aim is to look the best i can poss be at Christmas with all the Christmas parties and new year eve *Which I have NEVER been out on NYE*
So yeah I will keep you all updated on that if I survive it all Wednesday is my only day off this week in the classes!!
Also last night I was tossing and turning all night as my mind went into over drive in thinking about everything possible *including how hunger my stomach was* in the day time I occupy my mind but as soon as I try and sleep its like the on switch is turnt on and everything just appears so bloodily annoying. So mainly on my mind is what I want to do with my life I mean I never really try and think of the future as you should live for the now but I don't know what has changed my mind but its all I have been thinking about at the moment. Like I look at all my friends happy and settling down an yes I do want that to happen for me but I do want to do things with my little old life first starting with a career. I may have mentioned that i studied Media for 3 years and I LOVE it and it will always be something I want to do but I do need something for now and something I have a real passion for and then when I was talking to my mumzie earlier today it hit me that I LOVE make up why don't I find a course, train up and be freelance make up artist. PERFECT RIGHT!!! Its a brilliant idea and I literally have spent the WHOLE day researching into courses, what kind of freelance artist I want to be, where the best places to train and even have spoken to someone the big wide web about how they started etc. It's been amazing.
My next thought was what kind of make up and I have decided that as MANY of my friends are getting married as they have just got engaged I could train to do both Bridal and fashion/media make up I am soooooo excited.
I have found a course in london for a week * Emma if you are reading this I will be doing it on a weeks holiday dont panic hehe* it is proper intense and loooong days but once I finished and completed it will be qualified just like that just need to get some clients and experience then I can be *Sings at the top of my voice ON MY WAY*
So yeah that is a weight off my mind and maybe just maybe I can sleep tonight... I mean I have nearly gone 48 hours with what 2 hours sleep and I am still buzzzzzing and hyper, I really do need to clam down and maybe stop rambling on here ooopsy haha :P no I am not haha.
I also quit my English class tonight as it as boooooooring. Anyone that knows me knows I cant sit still, cant stop talking and I am creative and practical not sit in slience and write billions and billions of words on a paper * okay maybe billions was a bit OTT just thousands* and yes I know I want to be in media but I want to be a TV presenter or Radio Presenter ;) and before anyone says it I do have a face for radio *Jokes so old now guys*
Oh gosh I really have rambled tonight SORRY!!
Night everyone
Friday, 20 September 2013
Embrace Yourself Girls
Hey Everyone :)
Happy Friday... First off I am super excited this Friday as I have a weekend off work which NEVER happens YAAAY!
Also its 96 days till Christmas, Yes people the countdown is on.
Today I thought I would write about the importance of being yourself and let your own unique style and personality shine through. I must admit I used to try and follow the crowd to fit in with my friends but looking back on it now I wished I never bothered as that wasn't me not in the slightest ( I cringe at the pictures and the memories now) I feel like I had missed out on showing the world me.
The second you let the real you shine through the more happy you become and the world around you seems a happier and better off place to be in.
I see so many girls these days copying one another and its so frustration as I just wanna sake them until knock some sense into them. Why are they all looking the same? Why are their personalities exactly the same? Why is it one does one thing the other is not far behide doing the EXACT same thing!!!! People will love/like you for you not the FAKE you. Being your own person is the best feeling ever knowing there is no one else out there like you so why are people still copying one another its just amazes me.
I wish I could go around all the schools and make all these young girls listen and tell them that being themselves will get them a lot further in life then being like their friends or anyone around them.
I am the happiest I have ever been and that is because I am me, not living in anyone else's shadow!
Happy Friday... First off I am super excited this Friday as I have a weekend off work which NEVER happens YAAAY!
Also its 96 days till Christmas, Yes people the countdown is on.
Today I thought I would write about the importance of being yourself and let your own unique style and personality shine through. I must admit I used to try and follow the crowd to fit in with my friends but looking back on it now I wished I never bothered as that wasn't me not in the slightest ( I cringe at the pictures and the memories now) I feel like I had missed out on showing the world me.
The second you let the real you shine through the more happy you become and the world around you seems a happier and better off place to be in.
I see so many girls these days copying one another and its so frustration as I just wanna sake them until knock some sense into them. Why are they all looking the same? Why are their personalities exactly the same? Why is it one does one thing the other is not far behide doing the EXACT same thing!!!! People will love/like you for you not the FAKE you. Being your own person is the best feeling ever knowing there is no one else out there like you so why are people still copying one another its just amazes me.
I wish I could go around all the schools and make all these young girls listen and tell them that being themselves will get them a lot further in life then being like their friends or anyone around them.
I am the happiest I have ever been and that is because I am me, not living in anyone else's shadow!
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Happiness :)
Good Morning everyone
So my post about the arthritis, depression and aniexty has had a lot of views and a lot of people talking to me and just generally being so nice and caring, reading some comments made me cry like full on cry! So thank you so much :) I actually got some good news about that this week... All my bloods came back clear which is the first time in a year which means the infection that had caused me my arthritis has finally gone (1 Year Later) I mean I am stuck with it for life but it wont effect me unless I get Ill then I am at risk of it all coming back and suffering again. Plus no more hospital appointments until next April YAAAAAAY!! Super Duper happy right now! So back to my life I say.
So today I am going to write about happiness. I have always been happy, hyper and positive well minus the last year but I am back now. But it took a lot for me to get back to the way I was after everything so I thought I would write how and what made me change and be probably happier than I was before.
Okay so one thing I have learnt is ' Never be ashamed of who you are and what you like' Honestly don't worry about anyone around you that doesn't matter if it makes you happy then do it, wear it, own it!
Now I used to be a worrier of what people might be thinking.... thinking being a key word right there, you dont know what people are thinking/saying you might be thinking the negative but really in reality they don't even care or better might be saying something positive.
Girls if it makes you happy do it please don't shy away because of people around you.
Next if you think things are not going your way don't dwell on it. This will just make you more sad and unhappy things always get better you just have to think positive and get your butt out there changing things as nothing comes from sitting on you butt. Go chance your dreams, goals and ambitions no matter how wild and wacky they are, Even the small little things makes you change your way of thinking. Positive things happen to positive people :)
Last point is surround yourself with happy, positive people you don't need people that are always negative or bitchy around its just going to make you unhappy and no one needs that your friends are meant to be a support systsem make you feel better, bring out the best in you not the worst.
Try and do something new and that scares you at least once a week build your confidence, make you want to go out and do more things, meet new people you never know what is around the that corner might be something that you have dreaming of your whole life.
Arthritis, Depression and Anxiety
Heey People :) This is my first post of the weekend as I just wanted to write its 5 Months till Christmas, as many of you know I LOVE Christmas it is my FAVOURITE time of year to be honest I would happily skip summer and the hot weather for the cold winter nights, everyone in the Christmas spirt, films, hot chocolate, snuggles you name it I love it... oh and WINTER WONDERLAND is the most amazing place EVER at Christmas time. Damn now I'm all excited and it's only the 17th September :( :(
Anyway, This past year has not been the easiest for me from falling ill, to falling even more ill and not being able to walk, cross my legs or straighten my arm was the hardest time I have ever had. Being bed bound and not being able just simply walking down the stairs with out someone of my family helping me holding me up I felt like I wanted to crawl under my duvet and just cry and cry which is what I did pretty much everyday. Going to the doctors and the hospital for them telling me its tendonitis over and over again it never was and they should have looked into my case. I tired working but I was useless I know I was so I had more time off taking tablets that just took the edge of the pain off thinking there was just no end to my pain until my mum stepped in and noticed that my arm had locked and couldn't straighten it up and straight back to the doctors a new doctor who FINALLY saw that something was not right (I mean I was only 22 for god sake how was that normal) so after what felt like a billion blood test, x rays, pee tests and talking for hours on end about the pain he refered me to the hospital YAAAAAY!!! The downside I had to suffer until the new year till I saw my consultant which meant Christmas 2012 SUCKED!! But come January I finally got my results and I FINALLY got diagnosed with Arthritis at first it was a bugger to find what medication I can take I had so many needle medication I do a dot to dot on my body with them but it didn't work :(( tablets that made me have a massive rash all over my body (it looked disgusting) but finally in March 2013 I was given some tablets and they have finally done the trick and my arthritis is at bay I don't know how long for but at the moment I am pain free, knee is a normal size and my arm is pretty much straight. Its never going to go away and there is always a fear that if I get ill it will more than likely come back :(
Going through all this made me sad VERY sad I wasnt my self, I always felt people were watching me because I couldn't walk, I did not care about my apperance anymore, I never felt I could do my job any more I cried all the time at work ( I do not know how them girls put up with me TBH) I would go home and cry, I stopped talking to my friends, never went out. I went though a difficult time and anyone who knows me is I am a happy bubbly person I'm always smiling, talking ,dancing or just making a fool of myself and this was a complete different person just writing this makes me sad on how I was :( So in January 2012 I was also diagnosed with Depression and Anixity :(( It was a dark time in my life! But I have such great people at work and I do have amazing friends that started helping me and I bet they didn't even know it :) and I have been to my counilor for 8 weeks and it has completly changed my way of thinking, talking to someone that doesn't know you and that dont judge you and my word does it help my mind is all happy and full of so many positive thoughts now. Its CRAZZZZZZY! But I am back :)
So this is why I started of with the info on Christmas because I feel like I missed last Christmas and was so sad and in a lot of pain that I want this one to be AMAZEEEEEEEEEEEE and share it with all the people that support me and DONT judge me on the dark part of my life because you'll miss me now and now is where I want to be :)
Thanks for reading and please leave a comment
Chelsea Lou xxxxxx
Make Up and Beauty :)
So I have some new products this week which if I must say so myself are AWESOME and definatley recommend.
Lately I have kind of changed my make up products I used to be a BIG collection 2000 fan but Rimmel has slowly taken over producing so many new and better product.
So, the first one I am loving is the Long Lasting Colour Rush which is for your lips I got the colours 100 Give me a cuddle and 220 Rumour has it, i'll post some pictures below. I love them they are easy to apply and smell lovely which is definatly a must when applying lipstick/gloss as you never know ;) they have a whole range of colours to choose from but for me this best suit my skin tone with my pale skin and blonde hair.
Super Drug £5.99 each

Up next is the new Rimmel Stay Matte foundation. Its like a liquid mousse type foundation which like the advert says ditch the cake, it literally doesn't feel like your wearing make up which is a bonus. I have the shade 010 Light Porcelain as I am very fair and I don't want to look like an Oompa Loompa (Not my kinda thing)
Up next is the new Rimmel Stay Matte foundation. Its like a liquid mousse type foundation which like the advert says ditch the cake, it literally doesn't feel like your wearing make up which is a bonus. I have the shade 010 Light Porcelain as I am very fair and I don't want to look like an Oompa Loompa (Not my kinda thing)
Super Drug £4.99 (Special offer)
My next product is another foundation which has been my favourite for a while and its smells lovely its the Rimmel Wake me up foundations its light on the skin and leaves me feeling quite fresh looking which is a winner in my eyes. I have this foundation is the shade 100 Ivory slightly darker but I use it less of this kind of foundation then I would others.
My next product is another foundation which has been my favourite for a while and its smells lovely its the Rimmel Wake me up foundations its light on the skin and leaves me feeling quite fresh looking which is a winner in my eyes. I have this foundation is the shade 100 Ivory slightly darker but I use it less of this kind of foundation then I would others.
Super Drug £6.99
Last but not least is probably my favourite new find which is the Vaseline spray and go body moisturiser. I can be quite lazy once I get out of the bath/shower that I don't always moisturise but this is simple and quick and you literally have no excuse not to. Quickly spray on you body and you don't even have to rub it in as it all dries within seconds. Leaves a nice fresh smell as well so yeah NO MORE EXCUSES!
Boots £4.99
Thanks for reading guys :)
Last but not least is probably my favourite new find which is the Vaseline spray and go body moisturiser. I can be quite lazy once I get out of the bath/shower that I don't always moisturise but this is simple and quick and you literally have no excuse not to. Quickly spray on you body and you don't even have to rub it in as it all dries within seconds. Leaves a nice fresh smell as well so yeah NO MORE EXCUSES!
Boots £4.99
Friday, 13 September 2013
Chelsea Louise Doe
Hey you beautiful person reading this :)
First off I would like to thank you for reading this as I have started this in aid of stepping out of my comfort zone and well trying something new..... so my first post is going to to be about me as I think its only fair that well you know me a little better before I start rambling and also before I start up my Youtube channel ( I am soooooo excited about making videos).
So I thought I'd give you 10 random facts about me :)
1. I can be super hyper and have tons of energy esp in the mornings when everyone is moody and grumpy I'm not I have the music on singing my heart out like its the middle of the day.
2. I LOVE Minnie Mouse.
3. I once auditioned for Harry Potter to play the character Luna Lovegood
4.Little Miss Sunshine comes from an old work place which I hated with a passion (DIY Tools, not my thing) but I was always happy and my work collegues gave me the nickname Little Miss Sunshine and at my place of work now some one said it to me again which is pretty awesome.
5. I paint my nails to reflect my mood
6. I have had the same best friend for 19 years and she is the best person in my life she knows me better than I know myself and she makes me be the person I want to be... I would be lost without her.
7. 7 and 13 are my lucky numbers
8. I sing all the time shower, way to work, at work, bedroom you name it I LOVE to sing and I LOVE music is can completely change you mood in second
9. I am allergic to Nuts and absoutley HATE raspberries, cherries and ketchup YUCK!!
10. I have just be informed that I am in the running to run the London 2014 Marathon AHHHHHHHHH
so yeah that's a little about me....
I am going to blog as much as I can about fashion, beauty, photography and life so I hope you all enjoy and feel free to comment or email me anything anytime :)
Byeeeeeee xoxoxo
First off I would like to thank you for reading this as I have started this in aid of stepping out of my comfort zone and well trying something new..... so my first post is going to to be about me as I think its only fair that well you know me a little better before I start rambling and also before I start up my Youtube channel ( I am soooooo excited about making videos).
So I thought I'd give you 10 random facts about me :)
1. I can be super hyper and have tons of energy esp in the mornings when everyone is moody and grumpy I'm not I have the music on singing my heart out like its the middle of the day.
2. I LOVE Minnie Mouse.
3. I once auditioned for Harry Potter to play the character Luna Lovegood
4.Little Miss Sunshine comes from an old work place which I hated with a passion (DIY Tools, not my thing) but I was always happy and my work collegues gave me the nickname Little Miss Sunshine and at my place of work now some one said it to me again which is pretty awesome.
5. I paint my nails to reflect my mood
6. I have had the same best friend for 19 years and she is the best person in my life she knows me better than I know myself and she makes me be the person I want to be... I would be lost without her.
7. 7 and 13 are my lucky numbers
8. I sing all the time shower, way to work, at work, bedroom you name it I LOVE to sing and I LOVE music is can completely change you mood in second
9. I am allergic to Nuts and absoutley HATE raspberries, cherries and ketchup YUCK!!
10. I have just be informed that I am in the running to run the London 2014 Marathon AHHHHHHHHH
so yeah that's a little about me....
I am going to blog as much as I can about fashion, beauty, photography and life so I hope you all enjoy and feel free to comment or email me anything anytime :)
Byeeeeeee xoxoxo
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