I have been a fan of Zoella for quite a few years now so when she was working on secret projects I was always keen on what this may be. Lets face it there was a big stink on her book. Which I own but still struggle to get into. Is this just me?
When it was announced that it was a beauty range I was a little bit excited as you can imagine what the products were to smell like just by reading her blog or watching her video's.
Quick re-cap for people
*Blissful Mistful
*Creamy Dreamy Body Lotion
*Fizz Bar
*Soak Opera Bath Soak/Shower Gel
*2 Different make up bags
*Let's Glow candle

Now I can honestly say I only bought two products from the first range which were the candle and the body mist. I LOVED the candle it was nice and fresh smelly perfect for them cold winter nights. The body mist is nice but not something I would wear day in day out. I mean don't get me wrong it is a lovely smell but not for me. I do think maybe this was aimed at the younger/teenage girl rather than the then 24 year old *which is weird as me and Zoe are the same age* The candle has long gone... so are candle's two and three but the body mist is still sitting on my perfume shelve.
Fast forward to July 2015 and there is a new range of Zoella beauty the 'Tutti Fruity Range' Everyone has yet again gone Zoella mad again but I was lucky enough to find a few product left in my local Superdrug store. Although I am quite sad that there isn't a new candle *yes I am obsessed with candles* the new products that have been introduced are quite exciting.
Tutti Fruity Range
*Fresh Fizz Bath Bar
*Candy Cream Body Lotion
*Foam Sweet Foam Shower Gel
*Lets Spritz Body Mist
*Scrubbing Me Softly Body Scrub **NEW**
*Kissy Missy Lip Balm **NEW**
*Zoella Cosmetic Purse **NEW**
As I wasn't the best lover of the original range smell I was that crazy person sniffing all the products in the shop. That was a picture and a half if I do say myself.
See I watched Zoe's video where she introduced the new products and I have watched MegSays reaction video and both of them were in love the smell *Zoe may be a bit biased* so I was a little more excited this time round. See I am more of a fruity smelling person.
Now this my be me but I couldn't smell anything when I opened the package. I never got this amazing whiff of smell so with that I was disappointed. Even so I knew I had to give something a go so I choose the 'Scrubbing Me Softly' and 'Candy Cream'. By the way the packaging of this range is BEAUTIFUL I LOVE the colours and the designs so much more than the original.
So when I got home I was still opening and closing the lids of the products I bought still waiting for this amazing smell that everyone has been raving about. But nope nothing :( So I took a bath. Yep I took a bath just so I can use these products and the fact that I do love a nice long hot bath when I finish work *6am starts are a killer*
THEN.... when I was using the scrub did it hit me the most amazing smell I have used *swoons* it actually is A-MAZE-ING its so summery, fresh and fruity. Three things that I do love in a bath product.
The lotion was exactly the same. Once I started using them and rubbing them in the scent was getting stronger. I literally am in love with these two right now. I LOVE soap and Glory body scrubs normally as they are fresh smelling and I know they work. Leaving my skin smelling beautiful. Which is exactly what Zoe's are doing to me. I could smell the scent for hours after using them. Which makes me happy as I know I smell good. So good the bees and wasp's are going to chase me. This is not a good thing as we have a wasp nest right outside our house.... *Off topic Chelsea*
Anyway, I would recommend these two products to anyone that loves fresh,fruity smells. That smell of Summer which we all love * I don't but I am making an exception this year*
The scrub cost £7 pounds if I remember correctly and the body lotion was £5 which compared to Soap and Glory is a Bargain.
Thanks for reading